WordPress fixes.

For the most part, WordPress works very well for my needs, but some adjustments will always be required. On this page I will try to keep track of modifications and configuration changes done to get the site appearance like I want it. Feel free to add a comment to this page if something looks broken in your browser, or if you have suggestions for improvements etc.

A lot of things are fixed in the chosen “Theme”, and will be spesific to each Theme. In the past I have done a lot of changes to the core wordpress or theme files. The problem with this approach is that the changes are often lost during upgrades, and will have to repeated. The Mystique theme has a “User CSS” section. Adjustments made here will override core functionality, and should survive upgrades (unless new classes/classnames are introduced). Much better!

(There is a lot of info available at the www.wordpress.org site, use the Mystique tag search for Mystique specific stuff…)

Mystique Theme changes:

Problem Solution Code Add. info
Add description of problem here…
Internet Explorer stretches images vertically if browser window exceed a certain width. Can be fixed by removing the width=99% from ngg-singlepic class, but then images are back to being cut in right side on lower widths. Firefox does not do this. Adding height=99% does not seem to fix it either.. Turned out to be as easy as removing the max-width:900px from the ngg-singlepic class. I think I must have mixed things up in my early trobleshooting sessions on image sizing etc…
Fixed width larger than 940px (not sure I want to).. To accomplish a custom, fixed width, digitalnature suggests adding this code to User CSS + use fluid: .page-content{max-width:980px;}
Create new header image.
Figure out how browser-sizing affect header display
Internet Explorer stretches images vertically if browser window exceed a certain width. Can be fixed by removing the width=99% from ngg-singlepic class, but then images are back to being cut in right side on lower widths. Firefox does not do this. Adding height=99% does not seem to fix it either.. Turned out to be as easy as removing the max-width:900px from the ngg-singlepic class. I think I must have mixed things up in my early trobleshooting sessions on image sizing etc…
Override wordpress favicon.ico bundled with the theme Copy misty favicon.ico icon to /public_html/misty/wp/wp-content/themes/mystique NB! Will disappear on upgrades. NB!
Add spam prevention for comments Installed and configured SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
Remove description from header area Add to User CSS of Mystique theme
#site-title p.headline{display:none;}
#page{background:transparent no-repeat center top;}
Wide images are cut off instead off resized Add max-width to User CSS /* To limit size of images in posts, + border: */
p img {max-width: 900px; border: 1px solid #333333; padding: 0;}
.ngg-singlepic {width: 99%; max-width: 900px; border: 1px solid #333333; padding: 0;}
This also adds a border to images, which I think is nice....
Year not displayed in post-stamp Edit wp-content/themes/mystique/lib/core.php <p class="day"><?php the_time('M jS') ?></p>


<p class="day"><?php the_time('l jS M Y') ?></p>

NB! Will disappear on upgrades. NB!
Remove "wasted" space from header area Mystique settings - User CSS
#site-title{padding:1em 0 0.0em 0;}
#site-title #logo {line-height : 0;}
#header .shadow-right {padding-bottom: 0px;}
Configure Sidebar tabs Tabs to show=Categories, Archives, Popular posts, Recent comments Uncheck the others (at least for now)
Add widgets to default sidebar area In this order:
Search, Sidebar tabs , Links, Meta
Header and other settings Mystique settings - Design Add header image
Change to Grey style
Change to Fluid
Change column size to 80%
Remove My latest tweets To remove My latest Tweets widget, remove the twitter ID from its settings, and make sure its not active
Remove Twitter popup icon from menu bar Mystique settings - Navigation Clear "Twitter ID" field This removes the Twitter icon from the top menu bar/td>
Exlude "Home" from Pages menu Mystique settings - Navigation

4 thoughts on “WordPress fixes.

    1. Thanks, Driezzie!
      I host my videos in my own web-hotell, so I just specify the height and width I want directly in each post.
      For WMV video as parameters in the object-tag, and for FLV video I use the flashvideo player which also has these to parameters available.
      Hope this helps…

  1. dont really get it… I’m using youtube fragments and vimeo fragments of RSS fees of other websites. I’d like to resize them automatic to adjust to the theme’s width.

    1. Driezzie,
      I don’t think I can be of much help. I suggest posting your code for video-inclusion to the wordpress forums.

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